The background of the great health concept

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The United Nations world health organization alliance is an international ngo

  The 21st century is a century of human pursuit of health. The 21st century is a new era of health care for all. In the 21st century, from developing the economy to caring about your health; What people need most in the 21st century is health. Health is the most precious treasure of life! Nothing can be said without a healthy mind and body.

  However, the current our country residents health need to correct, their health consciousness and health behavior needs to be strengthened, it is necessary to further promote scientific fitness knowledge, against the evil cult, advocate civilized, health food enterprise need to further standardize the main body behavior, in view of the medical and health products industry market present situation, the consumer need scientific theory knowledge to make correct consumer guide, at the same time, our country is lack of health service institutions and talents, in the face of "wto" competition, national health industry, needs to support and promote national health culture. It can be seen that the situation of China's health undertakings is difficult to be optimistic, and it is inevitable to construct the "great health project" :

  The new medical reform advocates prevention first, and the state administration of traditional Chinese medicine clearly puts forward the medical guiding principle of "treating non-diseases". It further promotes the rapid maturity of China's great health industry. Life health is a process of whole-course care. In the face of modern diseases, it is often too late to respond to resistance treatment afterwards.

  With the rapid development of economy and the rapid improvement of people's living standard, people are enjoying the fruits of modern civilization to the fullest. Meanwhile, civilized diseases, namely lifestyle diseases, are becoming increasingly popular, and more and more people are in a sub-healthy state. Living conditions have improved, but food safety and environmental hygiene problems continue to emerge and the quality of life has decreased. Nowadays, some chronic diseases are prominent and people do not pay attention to the sub-health status, which has seriously affected people's physical health and cost a lot of social medical resources and medical expenses.

  Mammals typically live between five and seven times as long as they live. For example, cows live between six years and 30 to 42 years. Human life span is about 20 to 25 years, and the natural life span is 100 to 175 years. But such a life span has not been achieved. The reasons are caused by human beings themselves, such as not paying attention to scientific health care, scientific diet, and optimizing the environment. It is necessary to establish the concept of great health and take the initiative to pay attention to life from many aspects to ensure physical health and prolong life. The average life expectancy of Chinese people has risen from less than 50 years old to 73 years old, but many people are in bed or semi-bed with illness, although their quality of life is low.

  At different historical stages, people have different priorities in health cognition and disease prevention, and health contents are constantly updated. In the United States, for example, 1875-1925 was the environmental age, characterized by smallpox immunization, surgical disinfection, and public health services. From 1925 to 1950, the era of medicine was characterized by the widespread use of sulfonamides, penicillin and anti-tuberculosis drugs. From 1950 to 1980 was the age of lifestyle, characterized by cardiac surgery, heart transplantation and coronary artery bypass. Thirty years later, in 2009, President Obama described and called for reform of the U.S. health care system -- "it is the high cost of health care that poses a great threat to our economy. This is an increasingly high hurdle for our families and businesses, a difficult time bomb for the federal government, and an unbearable burden for American life. The rapid economic growth of the United States after world war ii has brought with it rich diseases such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, and so on. Developed countries have shifted their focus to prevention as a way of coping with the challenges of changing lifestyles. China's transition from food and clothing to a moderately prosperous society in all respects also faces the same health challenges. The increasing number of sub-healthy people, the rising incidence of chronic diseases and major public health events have prompted the government to propose a "proactive prevention strategy".

  "The world is united and mankind is harmonious. The cause of great health is a common responsibility of all mankind. It involves equitable access to basic rights and interests, physical and mental health, and collective prevention of threats across national boundaries. To build the "world health organization alliance" and create the power of civilized culture, it will play an important role in the sustainable innovation and development and friendly cooperation of regional and global health undertakings.

  The United Nations world health organization alliance is an international ngo